Welcome to the 15 Pillars of the Brainisphere
According to science, these 15 pillars, little more than strategies, habits, and values, are key to maximizing long-term brain health.
Except it’s much bigger than that.
It turns out that they might also be key to giving your teens the best chance at the best life. Not only improving their brain health, but also their mental and emotional health, physical health, career and life success, and overall happiness and meaning.
A skillest that no teen should go into adulthood without.
Nothing more than a collection of routines, habits, and values that if practiced correctly and routinely, could change everything.
And to make it easy, we’ve turned each of the pillars into an interactive video lesson that your kids will enjoy and understand.
Every teen should know the basics of brain health and all that it offers, and all the control they have.
Good friendships can unleash nearly two dozen health and life benefits.
Learning and thinking are key to neuroplasticity, brain health, and life success.
One of the best ways to raise the best humans, but much more than simply thinking that you’re kind.
Not just great for brain health but also key to physical wellness and longevity.
Don’t underestimate it. Most of us crave it, and it’s key to life success and even health.
Central to not only happiness and health, but to longevity. And great for the rest of the world too.
Known to unleash dozens of brain, mental, and physical health benefits.
Regulating how we think is key to everything from managing stress to maximizing happiness.
Thousands of studies support its power in improving brain health, mental health, and physical health.
We do it every day, but rarely the right way. And the right way can make all the difference.
The brain needs the right balance of nutrients to perform to its best, and to ward off cognitive decline.
Not just great for mood and health, but certain exercises help grow more brain.
Widely recognized as one of the most comprehensive mental health plans that’s absolutely free.
We take it for granted, yet if offers more than a dozen major health benefits.