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The science behind the pillars.

There are thousands of quality studies, some going back decades, to support the science behind the pillars of the Brainisphere.

We’ve linked to just a few and are constantly adding more studies so make sure you check back often.

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The Science Of Kindness, From The Random Acts Of Kindness Foundation.

The Science Of Kindness, From Cedars Sinai

The Science Of Kindness, From Columbia University Department Of Psychiatry.

The Heart And Science Of Kindness, From Harvard

The Science, Theory, And Practice Of Kindness, From UNESCO.

The Art Of Kindness, From The Mayo Clinic.

The Science Of Kindness, From Psychology Today.

The Unexpected Power Of Random Acts Of Kindness, From The New York Times.

Thriving Together: Using The Science Of Kindness For Stress Management, From George Mason University.

The Mental Health Benefits Of Simple Acts Of Kindness, From The American Psychiatric Association.

Why Kindness Is The Theme For Mental Health Awareness Week 2020 – And Why It Could Be The Most Important Week We’ve Ever Run, From The Mental Health Foundation.

Improve Mental Health With Acts Of Kindness, From Utah State University.

Don’t Underestimate The Power Of Kindness At Work, From The Harvard Business Review.

Happy People Become Happier Through Kindness, From The National Institutes Of Health.

Feeling Depressed? Performing Acts Of Kindness May Help, From The Ohio State University.

Acts Of Kindness Have A Bigger Impact On Well-Being Than You Think, According To New Research, From Fortune.

Using Kindness To Achieve Personal Success And Happiness, From The University Of North Carolina.

Kindness: The Ultimate Value For Success In Business, From Forbes.

Kindness Is Key To Success, From Psychology Today.

How 30 Days Of Kindness Made Me A Better Person, From Success Magazine.



The Science Of Happiness, From The Greater Good Foundation At UC Berkeley.

The Science Of Happiness, From Harvard Magazine.

Six Ways Happiness Is Good For Your Health, From UC Berkeley.

Mental Health And Relationships Key To Happiness, From The BBC.

How Happiness Affects Health, From The American Heart Association.

The Connections Between Positive Psychology And Mental Health, From Positive Psychology.

Is Your Health Connected To Life, Liberty, And The Pursuit Of Happiness? From Better Help.

If You Want Success, Pursue Happiness. From The Atlantic.

The Secret Of Success, Is It Happiness? From Forbes

The Secret To Success Is Happiness, From Medium.

New Study Of 1,000,000 People: Happiness Makes You Dramatically More Successful, From Inc. Magazine.

The Relationship Between Happiness And Career Success, From The World Economic Forum.

The Science Of Well-Being For Teens, From Yale.

Could A Happiness Class Help Ease The Student Mental Health Crisis? From Education Week

Growing Up Grateful Gives Teens Multiple Mental Health Benefits, From The American Psychological Association

The Importance Of Child Mental Health And Happiness, From Positive Psychology.

How Being Happy Makes You Healthier, From Healthline.

It’s Official: Happiness Really Can Improve Health, From Time.

Happiness Associated With Longer Life, From The American Association For The Advancement Of Science.

If You’re Happy And You Know It… You May Live Longer. From Harvard Health.

An 85 Year Harvard Study Found The Number One Thing That Makes Us Happy In Life: It Helps Us To Live Longer, From CNBC.



The Benefits Of Having A Sense Of Purpose, From Cornell.

Start Finding Your Purpose And Unlock Your Best Life, From Better Up.

10 Powerful Benefits Of Living With Purpose, From Psychology Today.

The Science Behind The Powerful Benefits Of Having A Purpose, From Practical Neurology.

How Creating A Sense Of Purpose Can Impact Your Mental Health, From Psychology Today.

Does Purpose Play A Positive Role In Mental Health? From The Mayo Clinic.

Now What? The Importance Of Having A Purpose As We Age, From The Mayo Clinic.

Longevity: Having A Purpose May Help You Live Longer, From Medical News Today.

What’s Your Purpose? Finding A Sense Of Meaning In Life Is Linked To Health, From NPR.

Can A Purpose Driven Life Improve Brain Health? From Psych Central.

The Consequences Of Not Having A Purpose, From Medium.

Will A Purpose Driven Life Help You Live Longer? From Harvard Health.

Having A Purpose In Life Can Affect How Long You Live, From Big Think.

Having A Higher Purpose Promotes Happiness, Lowers Stress, From Washington University.

People Age Better If They Have A Purpose In Life, From Time Magazine.

A Meaning To Life: How A Sense Of Purpose Can Keep You Healthy, From New Scientist.

Finding Purpose For A Good Life. But Also A Healthy One, From The New York Times.

A Sense Of Purpose May Have Significant Impact On Teens Emotional Well-Being, From Science Daily.

The Incredible Power Of Purpose, From Great Schools.

Purpose May Be The Key To Happiness, From Forbes.

How And Why Finding Meaning In Life Can Improve Well-Being, From Medical News Today.



The Importance Of Connection, From Psych Central.

Connectedness & Health: The Science Of Social Connection, From Stanford.

The Connection Prescription: Using The Power Of Social Interactions And The Deep Desire For Connectedness To Empower Health And Wellness, From The National Library Of Medicine.

The Science Of Social Connections, From The CDC.

The Quest For Social Connection And Well-Being, From Think Global Health.

Social Connection Boosts Health, Even When You’re Isolated, From Psychology Today.

What Is Social Connection? From UC Berkeley.

Friendships: Enrich Your Life And Improve Your Health, From The Mayo Clinic.

Maximize Mental Health With A Few Good Friends: Here’s How, From Forbes.

The Neuroscience Of Friendship, From The American Prospect.

9 Health Benefits Of Friendship, From Psych Central.

Investigating The Role Of Friendship Interventions On The Mental Health Outcomes Of Adolescents:

The Power Of Oxytocin: For A Little Brain Chemical, Oxytocin Has Some Big Jobs, From Psychology Today.

Oxytocin: The Molecule Of Love, Trust, Morality, And Sociality? From The Dana Organization

Oxytocin: The Love Hormone, From Harvard Health.

Does Oxytocin Affect Your Mental Health? From Very Well Mind.

Tell Me All I Need To Know About Oxytocin

Good Social Relationships Are The Most Consistent Predictor Of A Happy Life, From Stanford.

Did You Know That Lacking Connection Can Increase The Risk Of Premature Death To Levels Comparable To Smoking Daily? From Health And Human Services.

It’s Time To Prioritize Healthy Adolescent Social Connections, From The Wyman Center.

An 85-Year Harvard Study Found The No. 1 Thing That Makes Us Happy In Life: It Helps Us ‘Live Longer’, From CNBC

Work Out Daily? Ok, But How Socially Fit Are You? From Harvard.



What Is Neuroplasticity? From Very Well Mind.

Neuroscience for Kids – Brain Plasticity, From Washington University.

How to Rewire Your Brain: 6 Neuroplasticity Exercises, From Healthline.

What Is Neuroplasticity? A Psychologist Explains [+14 Tools], From Positive Psychology.

What Is Neuroplasticity? From Psych Central.

Neuroplasticity: What It Is, Why It Matters & How To Exercise Your Brain, From Mind Body Green.

Train your brain – Practicing a new and challenging activity is a good bet for building and maintaining cognitive skills, From Harvard.

How Lifelong Learning Improves Brain Health, From The Life Institute.

How learning a new language changes your brain, From Cambridge.

5 Reasons Why You Should Practice Lifelong Learning, From Brain MD.

How Learning a New Skill Helps Your Mind Grow Stronger, From Inc.

Want to keep your brain sharp in old age? Go back to school, from NBC News.



35 Scientific Benefits Of Gratitude, From Research.com.

The Science Of Gratitude: How Gratitude Changes You And Your Brain, From UC Berkeley.

The Science Of Gratitude: How Thankfulness Impacts Our Brains And Business, From Forbes.

Giving Thanks Can Make You Happier, From Harvard Health Publishing.

Relationships, Resilience, And Well-Being: The Science Of Gratitude, From The University Of Maryland.

The neuroscience of gratitude and effects on the brain, from Positive Psychology.

Gratitude Is Really Good For You. Here’s What The Science, From The New York Times.

Science Of Gratitude, From The National Institutes Of Health.

The Science Of Gratitude, From Psychology Today.

The Science Of Gratitude, From Yale University.

Gratitude literally rewires your brain to be happier, from NeuroHealth.

The Neuroscience of Gratitude: What you need to know about the New neural knowledge, From Wharton.

How does gratitude change your brain, from the Chopra center.

The Impact Of Gratitude On Mental Health, From The National Alliance On Mental Illness.

Giving Thanks May Make Your Brain More Altruistic, From Vox.

Can Gratitude Improve Quality of Life?

The Mental Health Benefits of Gratitude for Kids & Teens, From the Anxiety and Depression Association of America.

Growing Up Grateful Gives Teens Multiple Mental Health Benefits, From The American Psychological Association.

The Amazing Effects Of Gratitude, From Ted.

Expressing Gratitude To Improve Health, From The Mayo Clinic.

Practicing Gratitude For Better Health And Well-Being, From The University Of Utah.

Expressing Gratitude Has Physical Health Benefits As Well As Emotional Benefits, From Forbes. 

Gratitude Is The Foundation For A Better Life, From Fast Company.

13 Ways Gratitude Will Significantly Improve Your Life, From Psychology Today.

Why Grateful People Live Longer And Lead A Happier Life, From Life Hack.



Metacognition: How Thinking About Thinking Can Help Kids, From The Child Mind Institute

I Know Better! Emerging Metacognition Allows Adolescents To Ignore False Advice, From The National Library Of Medicine.

Metacognition And How It Relates To Your Tweens, From Very Well Family.

What Is Metacognition? How Does It Help Us Think? From Psychology Today.

How Metacognition, Thinking About Thinking, Can Improve Mental Health, From Carleton University.

How Thinking About Thinking Can Help Kids Build Resilience, From PBS.

Overthinking Disorder: Is It A Mental Illness? From The Cleveland Clinic.

I Overthink Everything, From Mental Health America.

For Teens Knee-Deep In Negativity, Reframing Thoughts Can Help, From NPR.

Seven Thoughts That Make Children And Teens Feel Miserable, From Psychology Today.

Helping Teens Tame That Negative Inner Voice, From Akron Children’s Hospital.

Mental Imagery And Helpful Way To Distract Teens From Negative Thought Patterns, From Oregon State University.

Is Social Media Threatening Teens Mental Health And Well-Being? From Columbia University.

ADHD: Help Your Team Transform Negative Thoughts, From Web MD.

Negative Thinking Can Harm Your Brain And Increase Your Dementia Risk, From Health Line.

Negative Thinking Linked With More Rapid Cognitive Decline, From University College London.

How Do Thoughts And Emotions Affect Health? From The University Of Minnesota.

Positive Thinking: Stop Negative Self Talk To Reduce Stress, From The Mayo Clinic.

Negative Thinking Linked To Dementia In Later Life, From CNN.

Rumination: A Cycle Of Negative Thinking, From The American Psychiatric Association.

How To Deal With The Negative Effects Of Social Media, From Headspace.

The Impact Of Social Media On Teens Mental Health, From The University Of Utah.

Teens And Social Media Use: What’s The Impact? From The Mayo Clinic.

Study: Social Media Use Linked To Decline In Mental Health, From MIT.

Mental Health Effects Of Reading Negative Comments Online, From Very Well Mind

The Truth About Teens, Social Media, And The Teen Mental Health Crisis Amongst, From NPR.



The State Of Mindfulness Science, From UC Berkeley.

Mindfulness: The Science Behind The Practice, From Scientific American.

The Art And Science Of Mindfulness, From The Child Mind Institute.

What Are The Benefits Of Mindfulness? From The American Psychological Association.

Mindfulness And The Brain: What Does Neuroscience Say?

Mindfulness: New Age Craze Or Science-Backed Solution? From Big Think.

12 Science Based Benefits Of Meditation, From Healthline.

23 Amazing Health Benefits Of Mindfulness For Body And Soul, From Positive Psychology.

Six Scientifically Proven Benefits Of Mindfulness, From Forbes.

Five Ways Mindfulness Meditation Is Good For Your Health, From UC Berkeley.

Research Seems To Show How Mindfulness Changes The Brain In Depressed Patients, From The Harvard Gazette.

The Benefits Of Mindfulness For Kids And Teens, From Very Well Family.

Mindfulness Meditation: A Science Proven Way To Reduce Stress, From The American Psychological Association.

Mindfulness Training Provides A Natural High, From The University Of Utah.

Mindfulness Matters To Psychologists, From The Psychological Society.

Evidence Based Mindfulness: What Science Tells Us About Mindfulness Meditation And Its Benefits, From The Cleveland Clinic.

How Kids Can Benefit From Mindfulness Training, From The Conversation.

Seven Ways Mindfulness Can Help Children’s Brains, From Psychology Today.

Practicing Mindfulness Benefits Parents And Children, From The University Of Washington.

Want To Know About Mindfulness For Teens? From Web MD.

How Mindfulness Can Benefit The Modern Teenager, From The University Of British Columbia

Mindfulness For Teens: The Benefits Of Meditation In A Busy World, From The Georgetown Behavioral Health Institute.

How To Use Meditation For Teen Stress And Anxiety, From The Cleveland Clinic.

Can Mindfulness Practices Improve Physical Health? From The University Of Utah.

How To Look After Your Mental Health Using Mindfulness, From The Mental Health Foundation.

Meditation To Boost Health And Well-Being, From The American Heart Association.

Can Mindfulness Help With Pain Management? From The American Psychiatric Association.

What Are The Physical And Mental Benefits Of Meditation?

Using Mindfulness To Cope With Chronic Pain, From The Mayo Clinic.

Can Mindfulness Help Anxiety? Child Suggests Yes, From Harvard.

Mindfulness Works Just As Well As Medication To Curb Anxiety, Study Finds, From CNN.

Daily Meditation May Work As Well As A Popular Drug To Calm Anxiety, From NPR.

Can Mindfulness Help When You’re Depressed? From UC Berkeley.

Mindfulness Holds Promise For Treating Depression, From The American Psychological Association.

Mindfulness Better Than CBT For Treating Depression, From The Guardian.



Master Your Breath, Master Your Health: The Transformative Power Of Controlled Breathing, From Neuroscience News

This Is Why Deep Breathing Makes You Feel So Chill, From You UW Medicine.

Begin With Breathing For Improved Health And Wellness, From Michigan State University.

Breathe. Exhale, Repeat: The Benefits Of Controlled Breathing, From The New York Times.

Proper Breathing Brings Better Health, From Scientific American.

High Blood Pressure Is Significantly Lowered With Breathing Exercises, From NPR.

How Does Deep Breathing Affect Your Brain? From Smithsonian Magazine.

What Focusing On The Breath Does To Your Brain, From UC Berkeley.

How Your Breathing Patterns Affect Your Brain, From Psychology Today.

How Breath Control Can Change Your Life, From The National Institutes Of Health.

Why Mindful Breathing Keeps Your Brain Healthy And Young, From Medical News Today.

5-Minute Breathing Exercises Can Improve Your Mood And Reduce Anxiety, From The Washington Post.

Study Shows How Slow Breathing Induces Tranquility, From Stanford University.

How Breathing Can Help Reduce Stress, From Mental Health First Aid.

Why Breathing Is So Effective At Reducing Stress, From Harvard Business Review.

The Power Of Deep Breathing, From Positive Psychology.

How One Hour Of Slow Breathing Changed My Life, From The Guardian.

Slow Breathing Curriculum For Stress Reduction In High School Students, From The National Library Of Medicine.



Nurtured By Nature, From The American Psychological Association.

Mental Health Benefits Of Nature, From The National Alliance On Mental Illness.

Nature: How Connecting With Nature Benefits Our Mental Health, From The Mental Health Foundation.

How Does Nature Impact Our Well-Being? From The University Of Minnesota.

Is Nature The Prescription For Better Mental Health? From The AARP.

Nature Can Have A Nurturing Effect On Your Mental Health. From The Centre For Addiction And Mental Health.

Nature Really Is Good Medicine. Science Can Explain Why Period From National Geographic.

How Immersion In Nature Benefits Your Mental Health. From Yale University.

Why Birds And Their Songs Are Good For Our Mental Health, From The Washington Post.

Enjoying The Sun And Nature Can Boost Mental Health, From Longevity Technology.

Daily Exposure To Virtual Nature Reduces Symptoms Of Anxiety In College Students, From Scientific Reports.

Spending Time In Nature Reduces Stress And Anxiety, From Cornell University.

How Does Nature Nurture The Brain? From Neuroscience News.

How Nature Can Make You Kinder Happier And More Creative, From UC Berkeley.

The Positive Effect Of Nature On Your Mental Well-Being, From Positive Psychology.

White Kids Need To Spend Time In Nature, From The Child Mind Institute.

Nature Plays Key Role In Kids Mental Health, From Very Well Mind.

Our Kids Are Facing A Mental Health Crisis, Nature Can Help. From The Sierra Club.

All Kids Need Time In Nature And The Planet Needs That Too, From Psychology Today.

Does Nature Really Make Us Happy? Here’s The Science. From North Shore University Health System.

How Just 15 Minutes Of Nature Can Make You Happier, From Time Magazine.

Bird And Birdsong Encounters Improve Mental Health, Study Finds. From The Guardian.

Listen! Birdsong Is Good For Mental Health, From Neuroscience News.

How Listening To Birdsong Can Transform Our Mental Health, From The National History Museum.

Walking On Sunshine: The Light Of Day Improves Mental Health, From Psychology Today.

Can Sunlight Help Depression? From Psych Central.

The Sun And Your Mood: Why Sunlight Is So Good For You, From Time.



Spirituality: How It Affects Your Mental Health, From Web MD.

Spirituality And Mental Health, From The Royal College Of Psychiatrists.

The Mental Health Benefits Of Religion And Spirituality, From The National Alliance On Mental Illness.

Spirituality And Its Contribution To Mental Health, From Psychology Today.

Spirituality Boosts Your Mental Health, From Chapman University.

Spirituality Linked With Better Health Outcomes, Patient Care Period From Harvard University.

Religion’s Role In Mental Health, From Think Global Health.

Spirituality In Mental Health, From The Lindner Center Of Hope.

Spirituality And Religion, From Mental Health America.

The Interface Between Religion Spirituality And Mental Health, From The American Psychiatric Association.

Religion, Spirituality And Your Mental Health Care, From The American Academy Of Child And Adolescent Psychiatry.

How Can Spirituality Aid Mental Health? From Columbia University.

Psychiatry Needs To Get Right With God, From Scientific American.

The Mental Health Benefits Of Spiritual Thinking, From The Wall Street Journal.

How Does Spirituality Change The Brain? From The Council On Recovery.

The Correlation Between Spirituality And Happiness, From The Chopra Center.

Does Spirituality Make You Happy? From Time.

How Spirituality Increases Happiness And Productivity, From Psychology Today.

Spirituality Isn’t A Part Of Success. It Is Success In Its Entirety. From Entrepreneur.

Deep Faith Beneficial To Health. From Stanford University.

Science Says: Religion Is Good For Your Health.From Forbes.

Religion’s Relationship To Happiness, Civic Engagement, And Health Around The World. From Pew Research Center.