Opening hours: 8am to 6pm
+06 48 48 87 40
La Défense, Paris

Getting to know your Brainisphere

In the 20-minute video below, you’ll learn what the Brainisphere is, how it can transform your life, and why it’s based around little more than daily habits, routines, and values.

The video also includes samples of some of the individual lessons of the Brainisphere, and the science that supports them.


Ready For A Challenge?

How about getting together with a group of friends, with classmates, or with family members, and trying some of these ideas for a week or a month? For example:
Only say nice things for an entire month.
Volunteer to help a good cause, maybe one day a week.
Every time you have a negative thought, challenge and reverse it.
First thing in the morning, name 3 things or people you're grateful for.
Once each day, find just 5 minutes to quietly breath and meditate.
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