Our very human team is an all-volunteer effort of seasoned security experts who believe in the power of people and have a love of the psychology of crime.
Neal O’Farrell, the Irishman
Neal is one of the longest-serving security professionals on the planet, 40 years and counting, and has spent 25 years fighting the epidemic of identity theft and fraud.
Neal was a member of the Federal Communications Commission’s Cybersecurity Roundtable, Executive Director of the Identity Theft Council, the only security expert invited to advise President Barack Obama’s STOCK Act Panel, and has taught security to audiences around the world. Meet him.
Anne Madrid, the ex-cop
Anne spent nearly 25 years in law enforcement, including time with the FBI’s Rapid Enforcement Allied Computer Team (REACT), a multi-jurisdictional task force specializing in the investigation of high tech and identity theft related crimes.
Building on her passion for victim support, in 2009 Anne joined Neal in the creation of the nonprofit Identity Theft Council, an initiative focused on both helping victims get through the often life-changing crime of identity theft, and training law enforcement in how to better respond to victims. Meet Her.
Tom Quilty
Tom has spent more than forty years investigating and fighting high tech crimes, as well as 15 years as a Deputy Sheriff and 30 years in the military.
And just like Anne, he also spent many years with the REACT High Technology Crimes Task Force (FBI Task Force) and more than 20 years with the High Technology Crime Investigation Association (HTCIA), eventually becoming its international president. Meet Him.
Barak Engel
Barak, the Security Hippie, has spent more than a quarter of a century in global security, and his notable formal role in security came in 2001 when he was appointed Head of Security (or CSO) for Webex, the world’s largest web conferencing company.
In 2002, Barak helped co-conspirator Neal O’Farrell to launch Think Security First!, America’s first cyber secure city and an ambitious program to raise the security awareness of an entire city (Walnut Creek, California, population 64,000). Partners in the initiative include Microsoft, Cisco, McAfee, AT&T, and the Department of Homeland Security. Meet him.