Is social media really to blame for the teen mental health crisis?
Teen mental health is a crisis that’s only getting worse, and there are at least a dozen different causes.
And whether social media is or isn’t a major contributor to this malaise, there might be a bigger threat we’re missing.
The more insidious threat from social media comes from algorithms designed specifically to be addictive to children as young as possible, an addiction that reshapes and rewires their brains and warps their interaction with the world.

in this 15 minute video, Brainisphere creator Neal O’Farrell explores the research behind whether or not social media really is damaging teen mental health.
And why the greater threat and scandal is the strategy by social media giants to addict our kids from as young as possible, using lies, distortion, and manipulation to warp their minds.

It's Complicated!
The US Surgeon General and the American Psychological Association issued a joint bulletin in May 2023 describing teen mental health as “the crisis of our time”, and pointing the finger directly at social media.
But an analysis of more than 220 studies by Stanford University found very little evidence to show that social media contributes significantly to the teen mental health crisis.
And in the largest independent scientific study ever conducted, published by Oxford University in August 2023, an analysis of nearly 1 million people aged 12 years and above across 72 countries found that social media use has no significant impact on mental well-being.
No wonder parents are confused.

``Facebook harms children, sows division and undermines democracy in pursuit of breakneck growth and astronomical profits.``
Meet Your Host
He’s the award-winning cybersecurity expert who hacked his own brain to uncover the Brainisphere.
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